"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." -1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Peace Love Japan

Adorable. This little boy was ziplining in a park we walked past on our way to church on Sunday morning. Jessica and I might've joined him, taking a few turns hanging with the wind in our face. Well I guess I should say Jessica joined him, my ziplining abilities were subpar to say the least. I dragged a bit to close to the ground on my first try, but it was a great time nevertheless. Just a typical morning here in Japan where parks have ziplines and miniature castles and big squishy climbing blocks that look like they came straight out of an episode of wipeout. 
Church was pretty incredible to say the least. It was all in Japanese of course, but there is just something about watching others worship in a foreign language that gives me such a sweet picture of heaven. We're all worshiping the same God, and even though I can't understand a word they say (besides Amen, I'm all over that one) God knows every line, and that to me is pretty cool.  I hummed along with the songs and stood when everyone else did; however, I was totally taken aback when out of the blue, I hear what I thought sounded like my name. Everyone of course turned around to look at the American girl in the back of the room. I surmised that I was supposed to stand up and introduce myself, but literally no words came to my mind, in Japanese or in English. Thankfully one of the missionaries there with me stood up and spoke on my behalf. Gotta love awkward run-ins in foreign countries! Everyone was so sweet though and wanting me to come back next week; it was such a great experience!

After church, we took a short little walk down to the bay in Makuhari. It definitely wasn't a Florida beach, but it was so great to hear the crashing of the waves and squish my toes into the sand. 

Unfortunately it was a little too cold to be dressed in traditional beach attire, but we made due with what we had. We might've gotten a little too wet, but it was totally worth it. 

En route to and from the bay, we made a pit stop at the Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hotel, where Bill Gates has stayed before. It has a glass elevator that we rode to the 50th floor for a great view of the city.

As we were walking, we stumbled across a beautiful park with bamboo growing wild, bonsai trees galore, and a koi pond. Cliche Japan. Brent tried to feed the fish a worm, and they went nuts.

We also ate at an Italian place for lunch. Yeah I know, it sounded weird at first to me too, but it was so good! I had Doria, which I guess is the Japanese version of Italian food. It had rice on the bottom, of course, and then a white cream sauce with meat and cheese...incredible!

They also have a drink bar, which just means you can have free refills from all of their offered drinks, which includes hot and cold selections. I think this is such a great idea. You can have your cold soda with your meal and then afterwards you can have green tea or coffee and just sit and relax, all for the same price. Genius.

 I tried melon soda, a bright green concoction the color of cleaning supplies someone pointed out, which just made it all the appetizing. It was so good though, all of their different sodas and things that I've tried have been amazing. So much better than America I hate to admit. They also have the coolest way of ordering at this restaurant. Each table has a doorbell type system that you push whenever you are ready to order so the waitress's job is easier and she doesn't interrupt the flow of conversation at your table, pretty fancy.

While we're talking about food, I should also mention that I tried some delicious ice cream the other night. The ice cream here is so good; they have so many different choices all available at your local convenient store. My goal is to try them all; shoot for the stars I always say. But this one that I had was mango flavored (they are all about mangos here) and a very weird consistency. It was fluffy, almost appearing to resemble cotton candy. It was really light and airy, but when you took a bite, it melted into a more traditionally creamy texture in your mouth. So cool and so delicious. 

Now that I've sufficiently displayed my food addiction, thank goodness for walking paths and bike riding, I want to show y'all a video from the talent show that the Christian school here (CCSI) put on the other night. It was a huge success with many talented students performing and a great pot luck dinner from around the world afterwards. One act in particular I really enjoyed. It was an adult gospel choir, apparently the Japanese love singing gospel music, which is so random but awesome. Some of them even did a little bit of swaying and clapping; it was fantastic.

Praise the Lord! Only he could comprise a gospel choir in Japan where the majority of singers are not Christians. Our God is so big. Thanks y'all so much for your prayers and support!! You're the best :)

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